Accident Repairs for Businesses in Bradford
One call for all accident repairs
KAG can provide a complete solution to all your motor accident claims minimizing disruption for your drivers, and administrative time for your back office staff.
As holders of both Kitemark and PAS125 quality standards you can rest assured that by entrusting your vehicle repairs to KAG you are upholding your duty of care to your staff and the vehicles they drive.
All drivers will be provided with an Emergency Accident Assistance card and convenient card holder, so that in the event of an accident they know to make KAG the first people to call.
From that moment KAG will:
- Arrange 24hr roadside recovery anywhere in the UK (mainland)
- Record driver details required for setting up an insurance claim
- Arrange a courtesy van or car for the duration of the repair
- Advise you on how to deal with any insurance or legal issues
- Deal directly with insurers to authorise repairs and manage any claims
- Expertly repair your vehicle to the Kitemark British Standard
- Keep you informed of the status of your repair at all times
- Ensure only genuine manufacturers parts are used in the repair
- Perform a free safety check
- Guarantee all repair work for 5 years
- Arrange for the repaired vehicle to be re-delivered to the driver
- We even offer a repair service for third party damage caused by your drivers so you can settle simple repair bills directly without getting insurers involved.