KAG Blog

Whiplash – spurious claims ‘the plight of the honest driver’

Posted on: June 21st, 2012 by Richard Raw No Comments

The Prime Minister has dubbed the UK the ‘whiplash capital of Europe’ with an estimated 400,000 people lodging whiplash claims each year. The UK insurance industry believes these claims cost £2bn It seems clear that the significant majority of these claims are genuine. A small minority may well be false claims. At the start of this month, Justice Secretary Ken Clarke joined forces with the Transport Secretary Justine Greening to tackle dishonest drivers who make ‘spurious claims’.

The government’s masterplan to tackle what they believe to be a growing problem in England is to set up independent panels of medical experts with no direct links to the claimants. It is not yet clear how the panel will prove that whiplash has or has not been suffered. The symptoms of headaches, sore neck, sore back and pins and needles rely heavily on victims describing to their GP’s what they feel. How more doctors are going to assist this remains to be seen. Given that claims can be brought up to three years after the event has occurred, will make proving the injury that much more difficult.

Insurers have said that they will insert warnings into policies which explicitly say that they will investigate and challenge any claims for whiplash. Insurance companies will be encouraged to challenge claims which they think are suspicious. To add a bit of punch to this promise, the government plans to make amendments to the procedural framework in England. Mr Clarke summarises the apparent failures by saying: “It is scandalous we have a system where it is cheaper for insurers to settle a spurious whiplash claim out of court than defend it”.

With all this talk of ‘spurious claims’ and the plight of the honest driver, we may find it easy to forget the position of the honest claimant. It is important that the government’s proposals do to not drive away or deter those who actually have valid claims. Only time will tell whether or not the government’s plans in England are effective. If we do see any reduction in numbers hopefully it is because the framework has successfully managed to ‘weed’ out fraudulent claims (as the Justice Secretary predicts it will) and not because it has become difficult for an innocent victim to get the compensation they deserve.

Source: Brodies LLP

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75% of Britains never check their oil level, as they don’t know how to!

Posted on: June 21st, 2012 by Richard Raw No Comments
    • Three-quarters of UK motorists don’t know how to check their car’s oil – a vital element in basic vehicle maintenance
    • Half of drivers don’t even know why oil is used; majority unaware of damage caused by lack of lubrication
    • Improved fuel economy and reduced engine wear proven from using quality synthetic motor oil

A staggering three out of four Brits don’t know how to check the oil in their car, according to new research from Mobil 1.

More worryingly still, almost half of the drivers questioned were oblivious as to why oil is even used in their vehicle’s engines.

The research also found 94% of motorists were unaware that using the correct oil can significantly prolong the life of their engine, as well as potentially improve fuel economy.

All of which means that at a time when British car owners are feeling the pinch like never before, they could be driving blindly towards expensive engine problems in the future.

Mobil 1 commissioned the survey in order to gain insight into motorists’ habits, specifically in the areas of engine maintenance and servicing.
The study discovered that although as a nation Britons are typically on the lookout for ways to save money, they are significantly less savvy when it comes to understanding how to cut their motoring costs.

“It’s clear from this research that drivers are largely unaware of the benefits of using synthetic motor oil – and in some cases people don’t even have a basic understanding of the fundamental role played by engine lubrication,” said Dan McGoldrick, Field Marketing Advisor UK, Nordic and Benelux for ExxonMobil Lubricants & Specialities, makers of Mobil 1.

“Using the right oil for your engine can potentially improve fuel economy, reduce engine wear and save lots of expense in the long run.
Our aim is to help make drivers aware that checking oil is essential for keeping cars running smoothly and efficiently.”

Expertly developed to help prolong engine life and optimise efficiency, Mobil 1 ESP Formula 5W-30 is designed to help provide exceptional cleaning power, wear protection and overall performance. The oil has the potential to improve fuel economy and save you money.

Use KAG for your next service and we’ll run through everything with you.


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